Synopsis: our chapter on "Land Tenure, Livelihoods, and Conservation: Perspectives on Priorities in Tanzania’s Tarangire Ecosystem"
We highlight approaches being taken in Tarangire which combine access to secure land rights with landscape scale access to resources that livestock (and wildlife) need to be productive and resilient.
Bringing back complex socio-ecological realities to the study of CBNRM impacts: a response to Lee and Bond (2018)
This article was a response that Dr. Jevgeniy Bluwstein
What’s good for livestock can be good for wildlife
This article was written by Dr. Peter Tyrrell
[], Dr. David Western
Corpus Postgraduates: Resilience to drought in East Africa
This article was originally published in the University of Cambridge, Corpus
Christi College's The Letter, Michaelmas 2017, No.