Synopsis: our chapter on "Land Tenure, Livelihoods, and Conservation: Perspectives on Priorities in Tanzania’s Tarangire Ecosystem"
We highlight approaches being taken in Tarangire which combine access to secure land rights with landscape scale access to resources that livestock (and wildlife) need to be productive and resilient.
Trophy hunting bans imperil biodiversity - a signatory's tale
A couple of years ago Amy Dickman and a few other colleagues circulated an idea they had to publish a
Bringing back complex socio-ecological realities to the study of CBNRM impacts: a response to Lee and Bond (2018)
This article was a response that Dr. Jevgeniy Bluwstein
What’s good for livestock can be good for wildlife
This article was written by Dr. Peter Tyrrell
[], Dr. David Western
Why conservation success stories in Tanzania need a closer look
This article was written by Dr. Jevgeniy Bluwstein
Turning the Tide Against Poaching: Lessons from Tanzania
Originally published on November 17, 2016 in
INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPERThe global scale of the ongoing elephant poaching crisis is